Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 4.

Last lesson began with us exploring some online resources such as google accounts and google reader. In class we set up these accounts before exploring some online resources further. One resource that we looked at in particular was edorigami. It is a wiki site that has useful information and resources for teachers. It is an example of a successful, informative wiki that is used by many all over the world. This week’s lesson focused on images and podcasting. I found that the section on image uploading and downsizing was something that is important that I never considered to be an important thing to do. However, I now understand the importance of resizing images especially when uploading images onto the internet. Mobaphoto was the programme that was used to resize images it is so simple to use not only for myself but also for students in classrooms. Another useful site that we looked at was Flickr. This site is a photo sharing site that is a great resource to use in classrooms as students are able to use the images from this site without breaking copyright laws. We also spent some time focusing on podcasting this was something that was definitely new to me and because I am not really a auditory learner I found it hard to find this resource effective, I think I still need to spend some time exploring these resources so I can better understand how they are effective and appropriate learning resources to use in the classroom.

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