Sunday, August 22, 2010


Digital video is an innovative learning tool that not only engages students in learning but also encourages students to extend their thinking. I find programmes such as MovieMaker simple enough to use, yet an effective means to demonstrate understanding and to use these understandings in a meaningful way. This type of programme enables all students to engage in ICT use to enhance learning. Currently, I am completing prac in a prep classroom, although to many it would seem too difficult for young children to use it is not. MovieMaker can create a movie through inserting still images and music, with assistance prep students would be able to do this. Digital videos such as YouTube are a great tool to use to engage students in learning and to focus their attention at the beginning of the lesson. Last week in my classroom the students were focusing on “The Three Little Pigs” and their teacher found a short film on YouTube of it and students were able to watch the story on the interactive whiteboard before completing hands on tasks. When ICT is used alongside other means of pedagogy it creates so many opportunities and experiences for young learners who are just so engaged and mystified by their learning experience. It is really exciting to see it in use in classrooms especially when we spend so much time at university talking of the possibilities with learning.

Digital video creates authentic learning experiences that allow students to either access new information or demonstrate their understandings and capabilities through exciting and creative means. According to Kearsley & Schneiderman (1998) movies enable students to present their knowledge to an audience and assist them in reflecting upon their learning. Jonassen, Peck & Wilson (1999) explain that digital video promotes authentic learning experiences as they engage students in real world problems and situations. I personally find digital videos to be a creative, engaging and effective means of students presenting knowledge along with this they build skills that they will be able to use in future learning experiences.

The following link is a clip from teacher tube, which is a site used as a common sharing tool for professional videos:


  1. The "Three Little Pigs" lesson sounds great, may I ask what the focus was on?

  2. The students in the class were focusing on sequencing and had previously spent time focusing on the literacy aspects through identifying sight words that they had been focusing on that week. It was great to see that ICT can be used effectively in a classroom and that it does enhance the learning experience for the students.
