Monday, August 23, 2010

Google Maps

Google maps is a resource that at first I did not see the relevance of using it, but after exploring the different components I was amazed at the opportunities that the site can lead to. The most exciting use of Google maps, for me, is the ability to create an individualised map. Students are able to insert images, text and links to other useful sites. Students are able to explore not only their own town and country but other countries and even specific towns or cities in that country. Students are exposed to learning experiences that they cannot experience without the aid of ICT’s.

In class we spent some time exploring google maps and it was really interesting learning all the different options and things that can be done on there. It is a resource that can be made interactive and can be saved to access at a later time.

In my prep classroom I feel that Google maps could be really useful for their unit focus for this term. Students have been focusing on construction and have recently been on an excursion to a construction site that is located near the school where they took photos. Using Google maps in the classroom would be a great follow up activity on the interactive whiteboard as the students, with the teacher, would be able to look at the area, find their school and the construction site and insert the photos that they have taken. It would help students find relevance in the task that they have done and will help them to link the information to the site.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Google Maps is an excellent tool with many uses also. Users can also embed a map into another website as well as the new street view. It's a very powerful tool.
