Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mind maps

At the end of my first managing e-learning tute I have been able to explore bubbl.us an online resource where I was able to create a mind map. When using this resource I was able to add my immediate thoughts on what is managing e-learning. After doing this I then rearranged and added to the mind map. Piagets (1896-1980) theory of constructivism focuses upon the interactions between old and new knowledge or information, and the individual building their understanding through doing this. I feel that mind maps allow for students to visually make these links between new and old understandings. I have discovered that by using an electronic online programe to create the mind map the thought process and organising of ideas is simplified.

The following mind map that I have uploaded shows my first thoughts on what is managing e-learning and my first attempt at using the bubbl.us site. Overtime I hope to build upon these initial ideas. Any comments or suggestions on what I could add to my mind map would be great!!

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